Estimate Process
The first thing we need to do is get some information from you to get you an estimate and see if your a good fit to work with us.
The first thing your moving expert will ask is the date you are looking to move. Does it have to be that day or is there a few dates that might work or a deadline date we need to know about. Maybe your asking about Saturday and we are fully booked, no point in going any further.
Next we will ask for the starting address, the ending address, and any other locations that you want us to go to. That could be a another apartment, condo, townhouse, duplex, bungalow, storage unit, house, salvation army, friends, parents, kids, ex’s (yikes) or business just to name a few.
After that we will ask for an inventory of all the items you would like Patriotic Movers to move for you. If you call in we can go room by room with you if you like. Or you can make the list before you call and read it off, or email it to for us to get a head start on your estimate. If you are looking for just big items, we do that a lot. If you are looking for all furniture, please include all the furniture that you would like to have moved, not just the big items. Include the night stands, end tables, bar stools, cat tree, the often forgot garage, patio and shed items. We typically don’t need the dimensions of the furniture unless you have a unique piece. For example, a bookshelf that is 10 feet tall, over 7 feet wide and 2 feet deep.
If you have furniture/items you are trying to sell. Please let us know what they are and if they don’t sell, if they would be going with. We will then include them into the estimate as most times they don’t sell. (Sorry to be the bearer of bad news 🫣) We can also tell you what the additional would be. That hopefully will help you decide if it’s worth moving, donating, throwing it out, or giving it away.
You can also send pictures to for a more accurate estimate. You do not need to take pictures of each item. A picture of the whole room would be great.
We will ask how many boxes and or bins you will have as well. Lots of customers don’t know how many there will be. Unfortunately, there isn’t an average amount of boxes. We have moved an apartment with 100 boxes and a house with none. Peoples items very quite a bit. That’s why we need an inventory and don’t go off of the size of the residence like a lot of companies do. We don’t believe that paints the whole picture. If you have packed half the residence and you have 25 boxes so far, 50 would be a good guess. If you plan on moving them all, let us know and we will adjust the estimate accordingly. The estimates we provide are only as accurate as the information we are given. That said if you tell us 50 boxes and there ends up being 100. We will still move them, but your bill is probably going to be more than what was estimated.
Everything needs to be boxed up, taped, sealed, ready to go. with which room the boxes need to go at the new address. Bins need to have lids. This saves space, time and when unloading, the movers can put them where they are labeled instead of asking you where each one goes.
DO NOT try to pack while the movers are there. You will not have enough time to keep up with them. This will result in wasting time (money) or the movers not being able to take everything because it wasn’t ready.
The movers do NOT bring boxes with them. Boxes should be taped (with packing tape), sealed, and labeled prior to their arrival.
Lastly, we will explain your custom estimate based on all the information you have provided. We can email you a copy so you don’t have to try and write down the information.
Booking the Move
When you want to book the move, we (Patriotic Movers and you) will pick a date and time that works for you as long as we have the availability.
Common question: “When do we need to know to know by” As long as we have the availability we will do it. If you call toady and are looking for tomorrow and we can do it, we will do it.
We do require a deposit to hold the date and time for you. Your move isn’t booked until we get the deposit. If you decide to cancel or reschedule you will lose your deposit. The deposit does come off of your total bill at the end of your move if you did not reschedule. Once the move is complete, they will add up the time (if a hourly move) that it took to complete the move and you will pay them with cash, check or credit card for the remaining balance.
Once we get the deposit, we will email you a confirmation email, with the date time and pricing of your move.
What to Expect Move Day
If your move is the first one of the day they will show up at the the time you booked for. If your move is the second or third move of the day, the movers will call when enroute and give you the actual time on when they will be there. This could be hours before, exactly, or after the estimate time. Times vary due to every job being unknow of how long it will actual take. We do our best to give you the time on when they will be there.
When the movers arrive, they will do a walk though with you to see everything that is going and staying.
You will then sign and date the estimate.
The movers will then load everything up. Once they think they are done, they will check with you to make sure they got everything.
The movers will then head to the destination address. Once there, they will do another walk through with you to see where everything will be going. They will then unload the truck putting everything where ever you would like.
Once the truck is empty, they will double check with you to see if anything needs to be move around. If it does the movers will gladly rearrange things.
After that, the lead mover will grab the paperwork while the other(s) clean up.
Once the move is complete, they will add up the time that it took to complete the move (if hourly), you will then sign the Bill of Lading, then pay them with cash, check or credit card for the remaining balance. You will then get copies of the Estimate and the BOL.
Lastly, your moving expert will follow up after the move to check in. Now is the time to let us know if there is anything we can improve on for future customers. We are always trying to improve. To do that, we need your help! It doesn’t matter if it is big or small. We cannot fix what we do not know! If you have an idea or suggestion on something, please let us know. We want it to be where the next time you use us, its even better than the last!